Ingredients :
3 halved pita breads
500 g mass prepared from the BEEFFREE mixture
A bunch of chopped parsley/coriander
1 finely chopped white onion (there is an option for fried onions if you want to strengthen the flavors)
3 crushed garlic cloves
1 flat teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon cumin
1/2 tsp Bharat
Olive oil for brushing the pita bread
- In a bowl, mix the mass of the BEEFFREE mixture with the parsley, onion, garlic, salt, pepper and cumin.
- Knead the mixture with your hands for a minute or two, preferably by hand as you would with dough.
- Using your hands, take a handful of the mixture and fill each pita half with greased hands. Tighten well on both sides of the pita so that the meat sticks and does not fall apart during cooking.
- Brush the pita with olive oil on both sides and grill on both sides in a pressure toaster or in a pan at medium/low heat, until both sides of the pita are brown and the meat inside is cooked.
In the last minute, turn the pita on the open side towards the toaster/pan so that the meat will roast and brown a little.
- – The arais can be prepared in a pressure toaster, a griddle pan, a regular pan and even a barbecue. Will work great with what you have at home!
- – It is recommended to serve the arais with tomato, onion and coriander salad and tahini on the side .