Ingredients :
350 g chicken-like mass is ready
Chopped onion: 100 g
Chopped coriander: 20 g
Chopped garlic: 3
Cumin: to taste
Salt: to taste
Pepper: to taste
Method of preparation :
- Take the desired amount from the mass you prepared according to the instructions written on the back of the wrapper
- Add chopped onion (you can fry it before if you want to strengthen the flavors), add chopped cilantro, chopped garlic, a little cumin, salt and pepper and mix well
(It is recommended to knead with your hand in order to get a uniform and homogeneous mass or with a spoon) - Form meatballs in the shape of balls with oiled hands
- Place in a pot
Sauce :
Tomato paste: 1 box 120 g
Sweet paprika: 10 g
Turmeric: 6 grams
salt/pepper to taste
Vegetable oil: 6 tablespoons
Method of preparation :
- Mix all the ingredients with a whisk until smooth
- Pour over the balls in the pot
- Bring to a boil, lower, and cook for about 10-15 minutes for the sauce to thicken.
- Serve hot immediately